名稱 | 類型 | 預設值 | 描述 |
colors | 物件 | 具有 Tailwind CSS 顏色類別的物件 | |
colors.thumbBgIos | 字串 | 'range-thumb:bg-white' | |
colors.thumbBgMaterial | 字串 | 'range-thumb:bg-md-light-primary dark:range-thumb:bg-md-dark-primary' | |
colors.valueBgIos | 字串 | 'bg-primary' | |
colors.valueBgMaterial | 字串 | 'bg-md-light-primary dark:bg-md-dark-primary' | |
disabled | 布林值 | false | 定義是否停用範圍輸入 |
inputId | 字串 | 範圍輸入的 id 屬性 | |
max | 數字 | 100 | 範圍最大值 |
min | 數字 | 0 | 範圍最小值 |
name | 字串 | 範圍輸入名稱 | |
readonly | 布林值 | false | 定義範圍輸入是否為唯讀 |
step | 數字 | 1 | 範圍步階 |
value | 任意 | 範圍值 | |
onBlur | 函式(e) |
| |
onChange | 函式(e) |
| |
onFocus | 函式(e) |
| |
onInput | 函式(e) |
<script>import {Page,Navbar,NavbarBackLink,BlockTitle,BlockHeader,List,ListItem,Range,} from 'konsta/svelte';let volume = 50;let price = 150;let red = 100;let green = 50;let blue = 75;</script><Page><Navbar title="Range Slider" /><BlockTitle>Volume: {volume}</BlockTitle><BlockHeader>From 0 to 100 with step 10</BlockHeader><List strong insetMaterial outlineIos><ListItem innerClass="flex space-x-4 rtl:space-x-reverse"><svelte:fragment slot="inner"><span>0</span><Rangevalue={volume}step={10}onInput={(e) => (volume = e.target.value)}/><span>100</span></svelte:fragment></ListItem></List><BlockTitle>Price: ${price}</BlockTitle><BlockHeader>From 0 to 1000 with step 1</BlockHeader><List strong insetMaterial outlineIos><ListItem innerClass="flex space-x-4 rtl:space-x-reverse"><svelte:fragment slot="inner"><span>$0</span><Rangevalue={price}step={1}min={0}max={1000}onInput={(e) => (price = e.target.value)}/><span>$1000</span></svelte:fragment></ListItem></List><BlockTitle>Color: rgb({red}, {green}, {blue})</BlockTitle><List strong insetMaterial outlineIos><ListItem><Rangeslot="inner"class="k-color-brand-red"value={red}step={1}min={0}max={255}onInput={(e) => (red = e.target.value)}/></ListItem><ListItem><Rangeslot="inner"class="k-color-brand-green"value={green}step={1}min={0}max={255}onInput={(e) => (green = e.target.value)}/></ListItem><ListItem><Rangeslot="inner"class="k-color-brand-blue"value={blue}step={1}min={0}max={255}onInput={(e) => (blue = e.target.value)}/></ListItem></List></Page>